I applied for an internship to improve my social life

How was Olympiad Academy? I said, ‘Let’s just do it for 3 months,’ and I adapted well and had fun with it. After a year and a half, I participated in a national competition and won a silver medal, and when I was in high school, I was selected as a national team member of only 4 people in the country and went to a world competition and won a bronze medal. Mika, who was selected to the national team at the Olympiad Academy, felt like grasping at straws. Your computer teacher had great foresight. How did you start developing after studying algorithms? As a college student, I had some time left over from going to school. When I was getting tired of playing games, I noticed something uncomfortable while using the computer. I started learning development through Google searches. I made a launcher, a program to take screenshots, and a music player. I gave the product I made to my friends to use, and they used it really well. I think the development became more fun because I started by creating tangible results rather than from an academic perspective.

It was really fun to create something

Listen to feedback directly from people who use it, and improve it. Above all, I Vietnam WhatsApp Number Data liked that it had a clear purpose and that it could help someone’s life. Industrial technical personnel service completed successfully A development project that started out of boredom has become a passion. You joined Joy Corporation, the predecessor of Channel Corporation. How did you join the team? I didn’t know what kind of company Joy Corporation was. My friend said they were hiring interns here. At that time, school was boring and. Did your friend pass? No… he was actually more interested in academic things, so he chose a different path. It’s a story like a celebrity audition cliché haha. You started as an intern and have been working for so long that you’ve been called a ‘golden fool’. Have you ever wanted to quit? It will soon be 6 years since I joined the company. Usually, people change jobs because they are dissatisfied with their current organization or because they want to receive better conditions. Here, I was able to talk and compromise when I was dissatisfied, and I found a way to immediately eliminate dissatisfaction when it arose.

I am also receiving satisfactory compensation

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How do you get rid of complaints right away? Being honest was the best way to solve Spanish phone data the problem. It was during my time as an intern, and they suddenly asked me to do 10 to 10 (start work at 10 a.m., leave work at 10 p.m.). It was so hard that I even thought about quitting. I said it honestly. It turned out that other people were also dissatisfied. Through conversation, we eventually decided to eliminate 10 to 10. From then on, the flexible work hours began around 11 to 6 core hours and are still in place today. Mika completed his military service as an industrial technician in a brilliant manner on Channel Talk. Mika is also the main character in the industrial technical agent ‘Fax Incident’ . Even after completing her military service, she has been working at the company for nearly a year. They usually say that you should experience at least two companies during your service period as an industrial technical personnel. Isn’t that a pity? *Reference: Useful new disease: Mysterious military support story that is useless if you know it (Industrial Technical Agent ‘Fax Incident’) I don’t regret it at all.


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