Cheer up for the service launch today

We also made mistakes at work, but if we get cursed at a lot, we feel bad. Let’s comfort the minds of developers who are crying when sharing bugs. Then they will not take it as sniping and will solve the problem with an open mind. The mental state of a developer facing a bug 9) The cost of switching developer focus is high. Operator : Developer. They say this doesn’t work now? (Customer inquiry capture -) Developer : (Capture – That means there have been 55,000 bugs so far…) Developers feel frustrated when they are summoned by frequent bugs and cannot concentrate on their original work. There are development issues that I need to focus on and think about, but I feel love and hate for operators who summon me to Slack and personally come and talk to me. Still, the problem has to be communicated, right? This is the realm of proper human management. In this case, it would be a good idea to organize the bug types and convey them.

Grouping similar problems together and adjusting priorities

According to urgency will clear the minds of developers. What if there is a bug that needs Australia WhatsApp Number Data to be fixed quickly? It mentions the history and frequency of the bug. Please make them aware of the importance with facts such as, ‘Customers have been pointing out this problem about 3 times a week since when.’ As soon as developers hear number-oriented facts, they get into action. Startups that cannot have separate QA, operators rely on their gums Why are developers difficult to talk to… How to build trust capital with developers in advance 10) Small talk is competitiveness. If you are not close, it is difficult to work. Operator : Developers! A customer is asking about this. Can someone help explain!? Developer : (Who is he? I’m embarrassed, so I’ll pass for now.) It may sound like a latte, but I think the truth of life is that you get back as much as you give. Build up daily mileage with developers in a variety of ways, whether it’s having a small meal together, giving compliments, or cultivating a common sense of humor between developers.

In the back and forth chatter, barriers are broken down

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Developers are, after all, people, not machines that code. A common first meeting Indonesia phone data between a developer and an operator 11) You become a true ally only when you help when things are difficult. Operator  Developer : (I don’t know why he stayed until dawn… but the bibim noodles are delicious) When conducting regular service inspections or opening new services, developers have to stay until dawn to work. It is also an opportunity to be recognized as a true ally by developers by joining us at that time. They set a day to open the service early in the morning and showed off their presence by preparing 40 servings of bibim noodles and hot oden soup. 40 servings of bibim noodles for developers working early in the morning 12) It is the operator’s virtue to give body shape. Developer : I see you are having a hard time because of this problem. Operator : Don’t worry.


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